law of returns

英 [lɔː ɒv rɪˈtɜːnz] 美 [lɔː əv rɪˈtɜːrnz]




  1. The law of diminishing returns has set in: the presence of Nato troops has become the problem.
  2. One way to avoid running up against the law of diminishing returns is to set yourself deadlines.
  3. Cloud computing obeys the law of increasing returns, sometimes called the network effect, which holds that the value of a network increases much faster as it grows bigger.
  4. Meanwhile, price regulation should be taken for the natural monopoly industry with strong network characters, and effect produced by the law of increasing returns can be magnified.
  5. Study on the Application Ratio of Nitrogen and Phosphate and Law of Diminishing Returns for Corn
  6. There is a law of diminishing returns that becomes operative in old age, I find.
  7. He and other scholars have argued that large disbursements are subject to the law of diminishing returns.
  8. Is Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns Objective Existence& An Analysis from Panel Data of Chinese Listed Company
  9. Speaking of which, there needs to be a definite time limit: anything more than an hour is likely to be subject to a law of rapidly diminishing returns.
  10. As to the natural monopoly industry, where the law of increasing returns can be dominant, incentive regulation measures should be taken.
  11. Some times we are tempted to plan a lot of things and after some time the law of diminishing returns operates.
  12. There was brief anguish among his students, for it is the Law of the Flock that an Outcast never returns, and the Law had not been broken once in ten thousand years.
  13. The Law of Increasing Returns will operate in your favor, and eventually or perhaps very soon it will give you the capacity to get everything you are entitled to.
  14. This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns.
  15. Therefore, to increase human capital and improve human quality, education industry must be developed according to the law of modern market economy. It can win success in optimizing the educational production structure and increasing returns of education investment.
  16. Analysis on the Law of Increasing Marginal Returns in the Knowledge-based Economy
  17. On the Relationship between Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns and Library Collection Development
  18. The response of N contents in stems, leaves and fruits to fertilizer N and Ca was in line with the law of diminishing marginal returns.
  19. On the huge background of the knowledge-based economy, many traditional economic theories need recognizing again, and corresponding to the law of decreasing marginal returns in the traditional economics, the law of increasing marginal returns in the knowledge-based economy has been put forward.
  20. Theory of dissipative structures and the law of land returns
  21. The rise of the new economy has greatly shaken the reason of the Law of Diminishing Returns. There appears the phenomenon of guerdon increasing returns, which is inexplicable for the existing economic principles.
  22. Further recognization of law of diminishing returns Empirical Study on farmland decrease in Jiangsu Province
  23. Including the land law of diminishing returns, land rent, location theory and the theory of sustainable development.
  24. This study finds that the impact of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure on regional economic growth in China is subjected to the law of diminishing returns. In other words, the impacts of transportation and telecommunications infrastructure on economic growth is negatively related to their size.
  25. According to Welfare Economics, social welfare is the function of individual welfare, an equal allocation of resources can increase social welfare due to the law of diminishing returns of marginal utility.
  26. Considering that the labor, capital and industry in reality are generally convergent, the current economy follows the law of increasing scale returns.